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02 Foster social interaction

Foster social interaction

Read about our groundbreaking research on measuring and evaluating hearing aid performance in group conversations, as well as our expanding interest in social participation. Gain deeper insights into these important areas, explore our latest findings, and discover how our research is shaping the future of hearing health and inclusion.

Hearing loss impacts daily life for many over 60

Human connections are the heartbeat of a vibrant life

Globally, around 65% of people over the age of 60 experience hearing impairment, which can hinder everyday conversations and increase the risk of social isolation. Communication, particularly in complex, noisy environments, is essential for maintaining relationships and overall well-being.

Traditional assessments neglect the broader dynamics

Traditional assessments focus mainly on speech intelligibility, often neglecting the broader dynamics that shape real-world conversations

Enhancing real-world hearing aid benefits

Rethinking how we assess, measure, and enhance hearing aid benefits for real-world impact

Our research examines how people navigate conversations in diverse social settings, identifying the key behaviors that contribute to successful communication.


By developing improved outcome measures, we aim to ensure that hearing-aid technology is optimized for real-life interactions—enhancing speech understanding while also supporting engagement, turn-taking, and social participation.


This work bridges the gap between controlled lab tests and the realities of everyday conversations, helping individuals with hearing loss stay connected and actively involved in their communities.


Explore our findings, read our latest papers, and discover how our research is shaping the future of real-world communication and social engagement

Foster social interaction Research questions

Explore our key research questions and insights

Discover how we rethink the assessment and impact of hearing aids, improving communication in real-world settings and enhancing social participation for individuals with hearing loss.

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