Do you have a hearing loss and use hearing aids? Or are you a senior with normal hearing? Do you want to be a test subject with us?
Become test participant

We are always looking for people to participate in tests and help us advance our knowledge and solutions
We are looking for people who want to participate in upcoming studies around hearing aids, hearing, and measurement methodology. As a participant, you can take part in different types of hearing measurements, and evaluate the function of hearing aids in different sound environments, either in our laboratories or at home.
As a participant, you contribute to research and development. We hope that you will get a return in the form of increased knowledge about hearing and hearing aids. At your first visit, we carry out hearing measurements with tones and speech. All information saved is treated confidentially and you can cancel your participation at any time.
Contact your test location
Lynge, Denmark
If you are interested in becoming a test participant in Lynge, Denmark, you can read more here: Danske forsøgspersoner
Erlangen, Germany
If you are interested in becoming a test participant in Erlangen, Germany, you can read more here: Deutsche Testpersonen
Lisle, Illinois, US
If you are interested in becoming a test participant in Lisle, Illinois, US, you can read more here: US Test Participants