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Become a test participant at ORCA US

What does it mean to be a test participant

We are currently seeking adults with hearing loss and/or tinnitus to participate in upcoming studies. If you wear hearing aids, have thought about trying hearing aids, suspect you may have a hearing loss, or experience ringing or buzzing sounds in your ears, you may qualify to participate!

All research studies are carried out in our research office in Lisle, IL in a relaxed, one-on-one setting. Study visits typically last about two hours each and are scheduled on a flexible basis. Participants listen to various sounds and speech passages while wearing study hearing aids. They may be asked to listen to soft or loud sounds, repeat words or sentences they hear, or to make judgments on sound quality. They may be asked to fill out questionnaires regarding how well they hear in different situations with and without hearing aids. Comments and opinions regarding the appearance or sound quality of the hearing aids are always encouraged from our participants. Some studies even allow the participants to wear the hearing aids at home!

Our participants receive a free hearing test and are compensated $25 for every hour of in-office study visits. Participants often comment that they enjoy being a part of our research because their test results and input help us improve hearing aid technology, both for themselves and for others with hearing problems. Participants who take part in studies that involve wearing hearing aids at home get an added bonus of a free trial of cutting-edge hearing technology.

Before you can participate in any studies, you will receive a free 30-minute hearing test by one of our licensed audiologists. If your hearing loss fits the requirements of a particular study, you will be invited to participate. Otherwise, your information will be entered into a database and you may be invited to participate in future studies.

How do you sign up?

  • Do you struggle to understand what someone is saying when other people are talking around you?
  • Have family members or friends mentioned to you that they think you are not hearing as well as you should?
  • Do you hear ringing, buzzing, chirping or hissing sounds in your ears or in your head?
  • Do you have difficulty understanding speech on the telephone or when watching TV?
  • Have you been told by a health care professional that you have a hearing loss?
  • Do you currently wear hearing aids, or have considered trying them?

If you are 18 years of age or older and answered YES to at least one of the above questions, you may qualify to participate in our research.

Please Contact Us to schedule your free 30-minute hearing test or to receive more information.

How to find us

Directions to the ORCA US laboratory


2300 Cabot Drive, Suite 415

Lisle, IL 60532



From the EAST: From I-88 West, take exit 130 to Route 53. Take a left onto Route 53 South and stay in the second lane from the right. Turn right at the first traffic light onto Warrenville Road. Take Warrenville Road 1.2 miles to Cabot Drive, turn right [Corporate Lakes]. 2300 is the second building on the right.


From the WEST: From I-88 East, take exit 127 to Naperville Road. Turn left onto Freedom Drive. Turn right onto Warrenville Road. Take Warrenville Road 1.0 mile to Cabot Drive, turn left [Corporate Lakes]. 2300 is the second building on the right.